Molybdenum helps breakdown toxins

Today I shared a post on Facebook about how I used molybdenum after my children had been in PANS/PANDAS flares all day. I usually use it after exposure to food dye (which I suspected was part of the problem today). But, the change in attitudes and the yelling and fighting stopped in less than 10 minutes! Why didn’t I use this sooner???

If you have a child with PANS/PANDAS or another disease that causes brain inflammation you know how rough a flare is. What do you use to help your child come out of the flare?

In full transparency, this is not my only tool.  It’s just the one that worked today. (I have a lot of homeopathy, essential oils, herbs and Bach flowers that I also use regularly)

Want to see what I used? Here is a link to Seeking Health (just search for molybdenum or SulfiteX Drops)

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